The Life-Changing Magic of Following Up

Steven Kneiser
1-minute read

Number of Attempts Count Percentage
1 Attempt 13 57%
2 Attempts 6 26%
3 Attempts 2 8%
4+ Attempts 2 9%
(Source: "The Sales Development Playbook")

Why do we care about data collected
across thousands of sales calls?

You tell me:
do you settle for 57% …or 91%?

Is this your process?

It’s okay, you can admit it

Try this thought experiment

What if you had a 0% chance
of ever getting a job
on the first try?

What if you could only get an offer on the fourth, even fifth try? How would you approach your search differently? How would your attitude change whenever you got a “No”?

You’d notice yourself getting

The real conversation begins
only after the first “No”

A quick “No” is better than a slow one

…but how do we get closer to “Yes”?

Uncover their North Star ✨
& prove that you’re going there

Keep chatting with new employees
until you get your message right

Just make sure they’re worth it

Is this very relevant to you?

Did I offer a clear next action?

Should I write more on this?

I love hearing your
comments & questions!

Send me an email at
(I always respond with twice the word count)

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