Don't Be A Numbers Game

Steven Kneiser
1-minute read

Don’t be this person on Twitter:

“[How did I get a job?] Hundreds and hundreds of applications, having my resume professionally written. It became a numbers game.”

Are you going to settle for a lottery life?

For all the numbers games out there,
you shouldn’t become one of them

Stop sending 100+ applications

Don’t live a life of chance

Don’t settle for whatever
lands in your lap first

This “spambot method” is a one-way ticket to miserable work …and you’ll never be better than a bot. Sometimes you just lose hope & each “No” starts to feel like a chorus of “not good enough” …but it doesn’t have to be that way

Paradoxically, hunting for a focused few can be more fruitful than rolling the dice as many times as possible

You’ve heard it all before:

“Do what you love
& you’ll never work
a day in your life”

Lame, unsolicited life advice? Yes
Worth throwing out entirely? No

You have a choice
Don’t waste it on people you resent
Don’t waste it on products you resent

You’re already putting in the hours!
Invest them somewhere worth it
Let them stack & compound

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