Where Do Jobs Come From?

Steven Kneiser
5-minute read

Are there any real junior jobs anymore?

You’re willing to put in the hours,
but they still ask for 1-3 years of experience




What the Heck Doggo

where do jobs come from?”

you see, Jimmy…
Job boards are where jobs go to die

Santa isn’t real?

Allow me to elaborate…

Optional cover letter?

“How about NO

Way to really roll the dice!

LinkedIn has a job board now?”





*sniff* *sniff*

Does anyone smell existential dread?

*deep gasp*

a red notification dot FOR ME?”

*leans back in chair*

“That’s enough TCB for 1 day”

TCB: Takin’ Care of Business

🎬 End scene

This Is Madness

Why do we look to job boards? Okay, well it’s obvious why, but of all the options? That’s just the most low-hanging fruit. This is your life’s work we’re talking about here. Why do we apply for the easiest-to-find jobs …then act SuRpRiSeD when we get stuck in the trenches: a vicious, cutthroat, over-commoditized fight to the death with other candidates?

The secret problem:
Many people simply don’t know there’s a better way

The secret answer:
Most junior roles are created
with someone in mind

Most junior roles are created
as an excuse to bring someone on

Is that true?
Could we help companies
create a junior role just for us?

The key to this magic trick starts with understanding that “a job description” is merely one of the final stages of a company’s cry for help. There are hidden junior roles out there at every company

…they just can’t yet justify the huge investment of time, money, & energy to bring in help from the outside. Can you even imagine the legal paperwork & hoops they have to jump through before your first day? Neither can your future manager, because they’d rather stay focused on making progress on their own work (they got managers too, if not customers & clients). In your early days, this probably isn’t the easiest way, but it’s the most time-tested.

What if you had a job-catcher

…and that job-catcher worked day-and-night grabbing opportunities for you before recruiters even wrote a job description?

Interception. Touchdown.
You just got the job.

The Circle of Li—*ehm* Jobs

From birth to death

🚨 What’s that?
A service light is going off
Something’s just not right…

This is where jobs come from

It always starts small:
one person handles it
until they can’t

They start chatting with coworkers
because they can’t do it alone

Something’s wrong
& it’s not going away

“Can I get some help with this?”

Persuading coworkers. Nice.
The Magic of Delegation™

except this time it’s still not enough!

This is your chance,
the one you’ve been waiting for

Where one job dies, another is born

After many meetings
many meetings about those meetings
many meetings “bringing others in the loop”

“Fine, we’ll bring someone in
but ughhhhhh”

Ouch, they’re “bringing someone in”?

4 words:

  1. time
  2. money
  3. energy
  4. & ughhhhhh

Yep, the full 5 Stages of Grief:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

“Hey you! Want a job?”

Interview Day

You really outdid yourself this time

You sneaky snake, you…
You slithered into that first interview
& you’re just sittin’ there





☝️ yep, that's you

But the only thing on their mind is




hhhhhhh "...I can't wait for lunch"

Did you catch that?
I said “ugh”, not…

“gosh this doesn’t feel like the best use of my time. I need to tweak X & send that over to Y so that I can do Z”

It’s this nameless, faceless stress that they’ve yet to process & are too overwhelmed to even label. It’s an all-consuming burden that makes their brain turn off & want to do anything else to avoid it.

They just don’t have the bandwidth
to think about you right now
with this lurking around

Don’t prove your awesomeness & competence
Prove your awareness & comprehension
…of all that ughhhhhh

Best-case scenario:
you know ughhhhhh better than they do
& have some perspective to share

That’s more for consulting & freelancing
but lean into that if you can

How can you make that go away?

Whatever makes the ughhhhhh go away
is gettin’ paid today

You can always share your story
on the way, but not today

No need to overstay:
you’ll probably bond more
with a different coworker anyway

Conclusion: do what now?

What did we learn here today?
Let me be clear:

Is this very relevant to you?

Did I offer a clear next action?

Should I write more on this?

I love hearing your
comments & questions!

Send me an email at
(I always respond with twice the word count)

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